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Research project II: Racing Drone

Research II:Racing Drone

I designed this racing drone and hoped to complete the first personal view and challenge the fastest speed of UAV.The racing drone can present an approach to accomplish an autonomous, vision-based drone racing in environments where may be dynamic obstacles. Their method is combined with a compact convolutional neural network(CNN) which runs on an onboard processor by the side of a classic/basic flight controller. The whole system only takes raw pictures Taken by a front facing camera as input to generate predictions of its trajectory and the system is capable of running fully onboard. The raw pictures will firstly be processed by the well trained CNN and output as desired waypoints and desired speed, then these high level commands will be executed by the flight controller to the motors so that the main processor will only focus on the trajectory calculation

Racing Drone

19 Lambert Drive | New Jersey, NJ  08540 |

by Peter Studio. Proudly created with Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science

Copyright 2016-2020 @Peter Wei

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