Maaaaaaze Robot!
Freshman project: Maaaaaze Robot!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
7:20 PM
Okay! This is the return-and-talk about the project I have been working on during the second semester of the freshman year. Considering that our BASE project's due day was almost the same as that for this project, I have been rushed up a little bit while the final result of the competition was very good from my perspective.
For completing the task for this mazerobot competition, we were required to design and build an Arduino-based robot which can went through the 600mm*800mm area which was actually a combination of 200mm wide roads. This wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't that stu-pid-material limitation. All the material we could get besides laser cut ply-wood and 3D printed PLA was An Arduino which was soldered by ourselves and only ONE ultrasound sensor and two continuous servos.
Before I started drawing the CADs and printing them, I did have watched several mazebot videos online for inspiration. The thing that made me mad was that all the people who accomplished the task was using at least two(or more)ultrasound sensors. During the discussion process, we have been thinking tons of impressive ideas which may pass the test. The plans Included using an imaginary-third-continuous servo(and which created the new term "ITC servo")to make the ultrasound sensor rotates, so that we can get enough information about the surrounding environment. The conclusion of the mind storming is that because of the lack of information I can get from the sensor, I would have to add some guiding wheels that keep the track of the robot correct.